Olive oil is nature’s Viagra new study shows.

Olive oil is nature’s Viagra new study shows.

“Long term lifestyle habits on diet and exercise seems to have a major impact on not only our arteries but our quality of life, including sexual capacity from middle-age to elderly population,” says lead researcher Dr. Christina Chrysohoou, from the University of Athens. 

A spoonful of sugar may help the medicine go down but did you know that a spoonful of olive oil a day may help something else go up?

A new study published by the University of Athens has found that olive oil could be more beneficial than viagra when it comes to your sex life UK paper The Independent reports.

After analyzing a group of 660 men with an average age of 67 scientists found that those that adopted a Mediterranean style – olive oil rich diet, had “had far fewer problems in between the sheets and even saw a vast improvement in their bedroom prowess.”

Researchers put this down to healthier blood vessels, supporting circulation, even to the penis.

Olive Oil. The love booster.

Meanwhile, consuming at least nine tablespoons weekly resulted in less chance of impotence and significantly higher levels of testosterone.

Findings also suggest the Mediterranean diet could cut the risk of erectile dysfunction by up to 40 percent.

 “Consuming olive oil and sticking to a Med diet keeps a man’s bedroom chances high.”

There are also positive implications for long-term health.

“Long term lifestyle habits on diet and exercise seems to have a major impact on not only our arteries but our quality of life, including sexual capacity from middle-age to the elderly population,” says lead researcher Dr. Christina Chrysohoou, from the University of Athens.

“This is a drug-free solution that allows men to keep their sexual function. But also a long-term answer to protecting a man’s ability to perform in the bedroom,” contiues Dr. Chrysohoou.

“Viagra does not improve something long-term, it can only give some short effect in order to have the sexual capacity”

“It keeps your blood vessels healthy and helps men maintain sexual function.

And of all of the components of the Med diet, it is the olive oil that has a specific effect on aortic dilatation and sexual function as well,” she explains.

 “A tablespoon a day, and love finds its way.”

Key Tips

💚 Incorporate plant-based fats like olive oil and avocado into every meal.

💚 Just like the avocado, olive oil is rich in Vitamin E. Besides the benefits to sexual health, olive oil is also a source of good fats that produce testosterone and estrogen that help keep the sex drives of you and your sex partner flying high.

💚 Body massage with olive oil helps to improve the blood circulation of all body parts, including the sex organs.

Bonus info

💚 Is olive oil safe to use as a sexual lubricant? The answer is no (read more here).


☀️ 🥗 🌳




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